
SQL dump with Wordfence are not valid

allaire opened this issue · 3 comments


Wordfence seems to put Hex data in the database, and this plugin does not correctly generate the dump.

WP Migrate DB was able to do it correctly, see: https://github.com/deliciousbrains/wp-migrate-db/blob/6fb5ad6b7c098cd6dace722b8485003cb090ca94/class/wpmdb.php#L2422-L2429

Could you provide an example of the hex data that does not process properly? I've been thinking about using Wordfence in the future so I'll try to fix the issue.

@gerbilOFdoom I cannot sorry :/ But just install it for a day or two and export it, you'll see 👍

This should now be fixed. Please let me know if not.