Muti-DB woocommemrce multi-site conflicts
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Seeing more issues with multi-db and woocommerce...have no idea why.
in the file: includes/class-wc-order-factory.php the function:
public function get_order( $the_order = false )
is failing because the multi-db plugin is not select the correct database when attempting to use:
get_post( $the_order ):
My solution was to modify the get_order function by manually selecting the right databas associated with the blog id and then manually performing the get_post functionality...pain in the butt, however it worked.
Now another more complicated problem has happened:
in the file: includes/abstracts/abstract-wc-order.php
public function set_total()
Is failing because the wrong database is being used when attempting to use the wordpress function:
update_post_meta( $this->id, $key, $amount );
Woocommerce is a very popular plugin, any thoughts you might have regarding why this is happening? Appreciate it, thanks.