Color log text cannot be displayed in Windows sometimes
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wpwupingwp commented
Sometimes in Windows colored logs cannot be displayed in correct form, but a lot of ASCII color text, maybe the bugs from upstream?
20:00:47 WARNING Output folder was not set.
20:00:47 INFO Use "Result" instead.
20:00:47 INFO Align sequences.
←[32m20:00:47←[0m ←[1;30mINFO ←[0m Aligning R:\out\Divide\CDS-rbcL.fasta.
←[32m20:00:52←[0m ←[1;30mINFO ←[0m Aligning R:\out\Divide\gene-rbcL.fasta.
←[32m20:00:56←[0m ←[1;30mINFO ←[0m Alignment finished.
←[32m20:00:56←[0m ←[1;30mINFO ←[0m Total 2 files
←[32m20:00:56←[0m ←[1;30mINFO ←[0m Aligned 2
←[32m20:00:56←[0m ←[1;30mINFO ←[0m Unaligned 0
←[32m20:00:56←[0m ←[1;30mINFO ←[0m Evaluate R:\test\Result\Alignment\CDS-rbcL.aln
←[32m20:00:57←[0m ←[1;30mINFO ←[0m CDS-rbcL
←[32m20:00:57←[0m ←[1;30mINFO ←[0m Samples: 100
←[32m20:00:57←[0m ←[1;30mINFO ←[0m Length 656 bp
←[32m20:00:57←[0m ←[1;30mINFO ←[0m Gap ratio: 0.24727134
←[32m20:00:57←[0m ←[1;30mINFO ←[0m Observed resolution: 0.95000000