
The parser throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException/ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException for some inputs

Closed this issue · 6 comments

The parser throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException/ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException for some inputs.
For example with the following input: "0x".

This issue has been discovered in FasterXML/jackson-core#809

The only exceptions, that the parser may throw are:

  • NumberFormatException when the input is illegal
  • OutOfMemoryException when the JVM fails to allocate memory for objects created by the parser

Fixed in the following branches and revisions:

@wrandelshofer Do you plan a release with this fix (including a m2 central deploy?) Thanks

I haven't released a fix just for this issue, because I thought there was little interest in parsing hexadecimal floating point literals.

I am planning to make release and m2 central deploy after fixing issue #19.

@wrandelshofer thanks for all your hard work

We use your java8 code in jackson-core. If you publish a jar with your java8 branch code that would be great - we would change our build to use your published jars and that shades the class packages to include them in jackson-core jar.

One solution would be to append '-java8' to the artifact name (and '-java17' for the java17 jar). Or maven supports 'classifiers' which basically lead to a similar result.

I have now released and deployed version 0.5.0 of fastdoubleparser. This release contains the fix for this issue (and other improvements).

Excellent. And it has been pushed to m2central (while 0.4.0 has not been pushed). Thx a lot!