
Template and contents

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The template is a full theme mustache description. In fact, the template does not define the contents but all the page. In some cases, it is not want we intent. We have to enhance this part of the rendering to be more explicit on what we want to render.

Here a typical template blog.mustache:

  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-9">
    <div class="col-md-3">

Usually, in all the website (except home page), we have more or less the same with the contents and a sidenav. Of course, the sidenav could be moved to the footer but, in this cas, we have a <div> misplaced in the footer.

Better could be an injection from the theme itself like Spring in JAVA (an inversion of control). This will permit a better approach and a more hierarchic description of the theme.