
Getting errors while compile

krishnaap opened this issue · 3 comments

While compiling WPS I am getting errors, because jasper possible default path given in the confgure.wps as this

Settings for Linux x86_64, gfortran (dmpar)

COMPRESSION_LIBS = -L/glade/u/home/wrfhelp/UNGRIB_LIBRARIES/lib -ljasper -lpng -lz
COMPRESSION_INC = -I/glade/u/home/wrfhelp/UNGRIB_LIBRARIES/include

When I edit and give complete path to my jasper folder, its working fine. Why isn't taking $JASPERLIB and $JASPERINC given already?

Could you post this question to the WRF support forum at https://forum.mmm.ucar.edu/ ? We generally use GitHub Issues to track problems that can be traced to a specific piece of code, and that can be fixed with a code change, while the forum is used for support inquiries.