
Tree Cover Loss 2019 Visualization

Opened this issue · 6 comments


Tile cache used on flagship (not colored in): https://tiles.globalforestwatch.org/umd_tree_cover_loss/v1.7/tcd_30/%7Bz%7D/%7Bx%7D/%7By%7D.png

True color tile service: http://production-api.globalforestwatch.org/v1/true-color-tiles/loss/%7Bz%7D/%7Bx%7D/%7By%7D

Metadata: https://production-api.globalforestwatch.org/v1/gfw-metadata/tree_cover_loss


  • Add new year for 2019 to timeslider
  • Ensure tree cover density threshold selector works appropriately and filters down the tiles
  • legend loads

@vaidotasp tested and confirmed. Tile visualization matches that of flagship, metadata is correct, renders properly in legend, and the timeslider works appropriately.


Is the true color tiles also available from tiles.globalforestwatch.org? I'm getting CORS issues with production-api.globalforestwatch.org, and I'm not sure if this is an open API for 3rd party apps?

I'v been following this tutorial: https://resource-watch.github.io/doc-api/tutorials.html#adding-raster-tiles-to-the-map, and have not been able to get colors that align with the legend:

Screenshot 2021-06-16 at 16 32 27

Hey @turban do you have a link to your deployment of mapbuilder (if that is public?) or at least configuration file, I'd be happy to take a look. I thought that the tiles API was open to third party apps too but may need to double check on that.

Hi, I came here by a Google search, so maybe not the correct place to ask this question... I'm not using mapbuilder, but a custom app based on Mapbox/Maplibre GL JS, where I would like to show true color tiles of tree cover loss.

Hi @turban, recommend you reach out via the Global Forest Watch contact page. That will help route your question to the appropriate contact - https://www.globalforestwatch.org/?contactUs=true