
Import local images to Snap.as

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Feature Overview

When a command-line flag (--images) is set, the hugo-importer tool should upload local images to Snap.as and update image links in the source content.


This feature is only available to Write.as Pro subscribers. At a minimum, if the --instance flag is set, the tool should return an error.

There are two main ways to include an image in the source content, and the tool should handle both:

1. Using Markdown (!["Alt text here"](/link/to/image.jpeg))
2. Using HTML (<img src="/link/to/image.jpeg" alt="Alt text here" />)


If the --images flag is set, the tool shall do the following when parsing a source file:

  1. Search the content of the file for an image (either Markdown or HTML)
  2. Determine if the image is local or remote (more on this below)
  3. If image is remote, continue searching; otherwise
  4. Confirm the image exists in the filesystem at /static/link/to/image.jpeg
  5. Upload the image to Snap.as and get the new URL
  6. Replace the original image source URL with the Snap.as URL
  7. Continue searching the source file for more images

Image Source: Absolute vs Relative Paths

Related to step 2 in the implementation details above, a local image's source may be represented via an absolute path (https://example.com/link/to/image.jpeg), or a relative path (/link/to/image.jpeg). In the latter case, it's clear that the image is local; in the former, however, the tool must determine if the base URL (in this scenario, example.com) is the URL of the Hugo site being migrated. Fortunately, the baseURL parameter in the Hugo site configuration file lets us make this comparison.

This looks good to me 👍