
Migrate built-in Hugo shortcodes as URLs

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hugo provides built-in shortcodes that "represent very common usage" for convenience. The intention is to keep Markdown clean, but because they are proprietary to Hugo, they don't migrate nicely, so a Tweet shortcode ends up looking like:

{{< tweet 877500564405444608 >}}

Where possible, these would make more sense as plain URLs:


For a subset (e.g. gist, tweet, and youtube), converting shortcodes to URLs allows Pro users to get proper embeds via embed.as; in all cases, special care must be taken to craft a valid URL from the shortcode, so we'll limit ourselves to the following shortcodes:

Media Hugo Shortcode URL Embed.as?
GitHub Gist {{< gist username gistID >}} https://gist.github.com/username/gistID
Instagram {{< instagram photoID >}} https://www.instagram.com/p/photoID/ ⛔️
Twitter {{< tweet tweetID >}} https://twitter.com/twitter/status/tweetID
Vimeo {{< vimeo videoID >}} https://player.vimeo.com/video/videoID ⛔️
YouTube {{< youtube videoID >}} https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=videoID

This doesn't cover all built-in shortcodes, nor does it cover all options for the shortcodes listed above, but I believe it's a pretty solid set of shortcodes to cover for launch. We can include a note in the README about this limitation, and extend it if the demand exists.

Looks good! I'll take a look at adding Vimeo support in the go-embed library, too.

Closed by #11.