
A collection of awesome books (handwritten guides, auto-build almanacs w/ open data, etc.) in wikitext

Awesome Books

A collection of awesome books (handwritten guides, auto-build almanacs w/ open data, etc.) in wikitext

Note: 📖 stands for the online book page and :octocat: stands for the GitHub page.

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Looking for awesome markdown goodies (e.g. libraries, services, editors, tools, etc.)? See the Awesome Markdown List.

Contributions welcome. Anything missing? Send in a pull request. Thanks.

Book Examples

"Hand-Written" Book Examples

Open Data Handbook

Pro Git

Open Data "Auto-Build" Book Examples

(World Literature) Classics

Book Projects

Project Gutenberg (PG)


Wikpedia Book Projects






The awesome list is dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.

Questions? Comments?

Send them along to the wwwmake mailing list. Thanks!