
An easy-to-use and simple Instagram package that allow you to fetch media content without API and access token.

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An easy-to-use and simple Instagram package that allow you to fetch media content without API and access token.

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Key FeaturesDemoDocumentationInstallationHow To UseExamplesBrowsers supportLicenseContributing

Key Features ✨

  • Small. ~ 2.31KB (minified and gzipped). Size Limit controls the size.
  • No dependencies.
  • No need for the access token secret.
  • Easy to use.
  • Typescript support
  • Tree shakeable

Demo 👀

Documentation 🔨

You can read the full documentation here

Installation 🚀

Using package managers


$ npm install nanogram.js --save


$ yarn add nanogram.js

via CDN

Add script right before closing </body> tag

<script src="https://unpkg.com/nanogram.js@1.0.1/dist/nanogram.iife.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/nanogram.js"></script>

Hint: for a better performance add preconnect link in the head of your document.

  <!-- for unkpg cdn --> 
  <link rel="preconnect" href="https://unpkg.com">

  <!-- for jsdelivr cdn -->
  <link rel="preconnect" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net">  

  <!-- dns-prefetch only for IE11 --> 
  <!--	<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="https://unpkg.com"> -->
  <!--	<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net"> -->

How to use 🤔

1. Initialize Nanogram.js

Option A: Using Webpack or Rollup:

import Nanogram from 'nanogram.js';

const instagramParser = new Nanogram();

Option B: Using Node.js:

const Nanogram = require('nanogram.js');

const instagramParser = new Nanogram();

Option C: Using CDN:

/* Nanogram is available from global namespace */
const instagramParser = new Nanogram();

2. Get your data

Get media content by providing instagram username

instagramParser.getMediaByUsername('instagram').then((media) => {

Note: get content from user page. 12 photos is the maximum for this method.

Get media content by providing instagram tag

instagramParser.getMediaByTag('sunset').then((media) => {

Note: get content from tag page

Get media content by providing location id and place name

instagramParser.getMediaByLocation(6264386, 'highbridge-park').then((media) => {

Note: get content from location page

Get all available countries

instagramParser.getCountries().then((countries) => {

Note: get countries from location page

Get all cities by providing country id

instagramParser.getCitiesByCountryId('US').then((cities) => {

Note: get cities from country page

Get all places by providing city id

instagramParser.getPlacesByCityId('c2728325').then((places) => {

Note: get places from city page

Get media content by providing place id

instagramParser.getMediaByPlaceId(2999512).then((media) => {

Note: get content from place page

Get media content by providing search query

instagramParser.getMediaBySearchQuery('sunset').then((media) => {

Note: get content from searchbar on the top of the page

Examples ☺

Vanilla.js (ES5) See example
Node.js See example

Browsers support 🌎

IE / Edge
IE / Edge
iOS Safari
iOS Safari
IE11*, Edge 12+ 40+ 42+ 10.1+ 10.3+ 29+ 15.6+

* – For IE11 you need to install fetch polyfill. Because of how fetch() works, you’ll also need a Promise polyfill.

If you want maximum browser compatibility, please use polyfills.

See caniuse for fetch and promise.

Browsers polyfills

If you want to send a polyfill only to browsers that need it, there's a handy service called Polyfill.io which does just that, it offers a wide array of polyfills.

Here's an example of using polyfill.io to polyfill only the Fetch and Promise feature, so if we put this right before closing </body> tag of index.html and Nanogram.js script, Polyfill.io will read the user agent and use that information to determine if the browser requires a polyfill for the feature or features listed. Since I'm using Chrome it will send back an empty response since my browser doesn't need it, pretty slick.

<script src="https://polyfill.io/v3/polyfill.min.js?features=fetch%2CPromise"></script>

Alternatively, you can install packages like es6-promise and whatwg-fetch.


Node.js doesn't have a built-in implementation of the Fetch API, but you can use any library with a compatible interface, such node-fetch.

License 📄

Contributing 🎉

Found a bug? Missing a specific feature? Your contributions are always welcome! Please have a look at the contribution guidelines first.

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Alexey Istomin

🚇 💻 🤔

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!