
Can not see  , just show me a box.

wsdjeg opened this issue · 2 comments

pacman -Qs fonts
local/adobe-source-code-pro-fonts 2.010ro+1.030it-1
    Monospaced font family for user interface and coding environments
local/adobe-source-han-sans-cn-fonts 1.004-1
    Adobe Source Han Sans Subset OTF - Simplified Chinese OpenType/CFF fonts
local/fontsproto 2.1.3-1
    X11 font extension wire protocol
local/noto-fonts 20151224-2
    Google Noto TTF fonts
local/noto-fonts-cjk 1.004-2
    Google Noto CJK fonts
local/noto-fonts-emoji 20151224-1
    Google Noto emoji fonts
local/ttf-dejavu 2.35-1
    Font family based on the Bitstream Vera Fonts with a wider range of characters
local/ttf-symbola 8.00-1
    Font for unicode symbols (part of Unicode Fonts for Ancient Scripts).
local/xorg-font-util 1.3.1-1 (xorg-fonts xorg)
    X.Org font utilities
local/xorg-fonts-alias 1.0.3-1 font alias files
local/xorg-fonts-encodings 1.0.4-4 (xorg-fonts xorg) font encoding files
local/xorg-fonts-misc 1.0.3-4 misc fonts
local/xorg-mkfontscale 1.1.2-1 (xorg-apps xorg)
    Create an index of scalable font files for X

2016-07-17-22 55 33

jing1216120741 123456

qq382143064 ww382143064