
Working with two-factor authentication

wsdjeg opened this issue · 0 comments

For users with two-factor authentication enabled, Basic Authentication requires an extra step. When you attempt to authenticate with Basic Authentication, the server will respond with a 401 and an X-GitHub-OTP: required; :2fa-type header. This indicates that a two-factor authentication code is needed (in addition to the username and password). The :2fa-type in this header indicates whether the account receives its two-factor authentication codes via SMS or via an application.
In addition to the Basic Authentication credentials, you must send the user's authentication code (i.e., one-time password) in the X-GitHub-OTP header. Because these authentication codes expire quickly, we recommend using the Authorizations API to create an access token and using that token to authenticate via OAuth for most API access.
Alternately, you can create access tokens from the Personal Access Token settings page.

two-factor authentication should be supported in this api.