
Wrong path for the bin folder on GVim (MS Windows)

adelarsq opened this issue · 44 comments

There is no file separator on the path used:


ok i will fix it,by the way ,i think MS is not a good os for dev,you can use Linux or mac

I agree with you. Unfortunately I have to use 😢

can you try with the latest version

The bin folder path is wrong (without file separators):


Says that wasn't possible to load the com.wsdjeg.util.TestMethod class on the C:/Users/SOFT1182/vim/plugged/JavaUnit.vim/bin folder.

ok it is my fault,will fix it tonight


@adelarsq which command do you use?
can you show me the reproduce step?

and what is your out put of
echo g:JavaUnit_tempdir in vim

The command JavaUnitTest on the JUnit test file.
I just notice that the default classpath for Java is not being taken correctly now. I will try to figure out what is wrong before send a reply. On Monday if not tomorrow I will try. It's from my work machine.

if you want use JavaUnitTest,you shoud keep your cursor on the methed name.

can you try with the latest version

Didn't work.

The compiled Test classes are not being found. JavaUnitTest shows:

[output/shellcmd] command: java -cp "C:\Users\SOFT1182\.vim\plugged\JavaUnit.vim\bin;C:...asses;C:\workspace\java\JavaUnitTest\target\test-classes" com.wsdjeg.util.TestMethod ATest 


Error: It could not find or load the main class arget

Global variables:

echo g:JavaUnit_Home

echo g:JavaUnit_tempdir

echo g:JavaComplete_LibsPath

There are only 2 files on the project:

  • C:\workspace\java\JavaUnitTest\src\test\java\
import org.junit.*;
public class ATest {
    public void test1(){ System.out.println("test"); }
  • C:\workspace\java\JavaUnitTest\pom.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">

is the bin dir empty,
i mean does the be compiled?

Isn't empty. The TestMethod is there:

C:\Users\MyUser\.vim\plugged\JavaUnit.vim\bin (master)
λ ls -Rl
total 0
drwxr-xr-x    3 MyUser Administ        0 Dec 26 15:09 com/
-rw-r--r--    1 MyUser Administ        0 Dec 18 13:46 test.txt

total 0
drwxr-xr-x    3 MyUser Administ        0 Dec 26 15:09 wsdjeg/

total 0
drwxr-xr-x    3 MyUser Administ        0 Dec 26 15:09 util/

total 1
-rw-r--r--    1 MyUser Administ     1909 Dec 26 15:09 TestMethod.class

Where should be the *.class file for the compiled test (ATest)?

it should be in target/test-classes
before use this plugin ,you should install scrooloose/syntastic,also make sure target/classes and target/test-classes these two dir exists.

Syntastic is working, but this two directories are empty. Maybe the class path for syntastic then. I will see tomorrow. I will sleep a little 😴

sorry ,I did not realize we are not in same time zone

if you want syntastic compile the java file into target/classes ,you need to add this to your vimrc

let g:syntastic_java_javac_delete_output = 0

No problem.
Nice, I will try.

Did work. The *.class is there now:

λ ls C:\workspace\java\JavaUnitTest\target\test-classes

But after run :JavaUnitTest on the class shows this message:

 Error: It could not find or load the main class arget\classes;C:\workspace\java\JavaUnitTest

Apparently the path for the test-classes folder is being taken wrong.

can you show me the pic ,i want to see what the cmd is.
just like the pic you show above

I translated the portuguese message before send to you, but is the same.

On the terminal the same command works:

λ java -cp "C:\Users\SOFT1182\.vim\plugged\JavaUnit.vim\bin;C:...;C:\workspace\java\JavaUnitTest\target\test-classes" com.wsdjeg.util.TestMethod ATest
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: ""
startting : className:ATest methodName :test1()

you need to put you cursor on the methodname test1(),then you can use JavaUnitTest without args,
or you can use JavaUnitTest test1 or JavaUnitTestAll

I didn't notice, sorry. This is the print:

But on the terminal works fine:

λ java -cp "C:\Users\SOFT1182\.vim\plugged\JavaUnit.vim\bin;C:...;C:\workspace\java\JavaUnitTest\target\test-classes" com.wsdjeg.util.TestMethod ATest test1 
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: ""                                                                                                   
startting : className:ATest methodName :test1()                                                                                                              

can you try with the latest version

Didn't work. Using the generated command alone gives the same error.

Unite -log -wrap output/shellcmd:java\ -cp\ \"C\:\Users\SOFT1182\.vim\plugged\JavaUnit.vim\bin\;C\:\workspace\java\JavaUnitTest\target\test-classes\;C\:\Users\SOFT1182\.m2\repository\org\hamcrest\hamcrest-core\1.3\hamcrest-core-1.3.jar\;C\:\Users\SOFT1182\.m2\repository\junit\junit\4.12\junit-4.12.jar\;C\:\workspace\java\JavaUnitTest\target\classes\;C\:\workspace\java\JavaUnitTest\target\test-classes\"\ com.wsdjeg.util.TestMethod\ ATest\ test1

So the problem is with the Unite call.

@adelarsq ok I got it ,because the unite change escape \t
the command contains \targer

Sorry for the delay. I did take a break. It has the same error (test class not found).
The Unite call:

Unite -log -wrap output/shellcmd:java\\ -cp\\ \\"C\:\\Users\\SOFT1182\\.vim\\plugged\\JavaUnit.vim\\bin\;C\:\\workspace\\java\\JavaUnitTest\\target\\test-classes\;C\:\\Users\\SOFT1182\\.m2\\repository\\org\\hamcrest\\hamcrest-core\\1.3\\hamcrest-core-1.3.jar\;C\:\\Users\\SOFT1182\\.m2\\repository\\junit\\junit\\4.12\\junit-4.12.jar\;C\:\\workspace\\java\\JavaUnitTest\\target\\classes\;C\:\\workspace\\java\\JavaUnitTest\\target\\test-classes\\"\\ com.wsdjeg.util.TestMethod\\ ATest\\ test1

The java call:

[output/shellcmd] command: java -cp "C:\Users\SOFT1182\.vim\plugged\JavaUnit.vim\bin;C:...;C:\workspace\java\JavaUnitTest\target\test-classes" com.wsdjeg.util.TestMethod ATest test1

which class can not be found ,can you update to the latest Version ,and test only one file ~/test/
also you need add this to your vimrc

let g:syntastic_java_javac_delete_output = 0
let g:syntastic_always_populate_loc_list = 1
let g:syntastic_auto_loc_list = 1
let g:syntastic_check_on_open = 0
let g:syntastic_check_on_wq = 0

and show me the sreenshot

The screenshot:

But running the same command on the command line works:

λ java -cp "C:\Users\SOFT1182\.vim\plugged\JavaUnit.vim\bin;." com.wsdjeg.util.TestMethod Foo test1
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: ""
startting : className:Foo methodName :test1()

The problem is that the class com.wsdjeg.util.TestMethod isn't found. But it is there:

λ ls -Rl C:/Users/SOFT1182/.vim/plugged/JavaUnit.vim/bin
total 0
drwxr-xr-x    1 SOFT1182 Administ        0 Jan  5 13:42 com/
-rw-r--r--    1 SOFT1182 Administ        0 Dec 18 13:46 test.txt

total 0
drwxr-xr-x    1 SOFT1182 Administ        0 Jan  5 13:42 wsdjeg/

total 0
drwxr-xr-x    1 SOFT1182 Administ        0 Jan  5 13:42 util/

total 1
-rw-r--r--    1 SOFT1182 Administ     1909 Jan  5 13:42 TestMethod.class

Really strange 😮

I can not fixed it ,need help

hi @mattn here is an issue with windows, I have tried with many commits,but still can not fix it, can you help me ,thanks a lot.

this plugin is for test java files,it works well in my linux os,but in windows ,has a lot of issues

I was confused by the issue above

neovim/neovim#3980 (comment)

hi @Shougo I think this feature shoud be add into Unite output:shellcmd

@wsdjeg I see the code.
You should use unite#start() instead :Unite.

call unite#start([['output/shellcmd', cmd]], {'log': 1, 'wrap': 1})

thanks for your help

@adelarsq I have make some changes,can you test the latest version?

The command on the line 38 works:

λ java -cp "C:\Users\SOFT1182\.vim\plugged\JavaUnit.vim\bin;C:\Users\SOFT1182\.m2\repository\org\hamcrest\hamcrest-core\1.3\hamcrest-core-1.3.jar;C:\Users\SOFT1182\.m2\repositor y\junit\junit\4.12\junit-4.12.jar;C:\workspace\java\JavaUnitTest\target\classes;C:\workspace\java\JavaUnitTest\target\test-classes" com.wsdjeg.util.TestMethod ATest test1
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: ""
startting : className:ATest methodName :test1()

But there are something on the unite call. I don't know how this Unite call works, by may be necessary deal with chars like ", :, \ and space.

I have trid many times,but still can not fix it,as I am not win user,unite need escape space and :

I have no access to a win machine until next month, since I am taking a break. I will try figure out something when back.

thanks a lot

@Shougo I still can not fix this issue,I hava install unit vimproc and this plugin win Win7;
now the cmd is

java -cp "C:\User\Administator\.vim\bundle\JavaUnit.vim\bin;." com.wsdjeg.util.TestMethod Foo run

how can I use
call unite#start([['output/shellcmd', cmd]], {'log': 1, 'wrap': 1})

qq 20160205125849
qq 20160205125732

Thanks @wsdjeg 👍
