

Shougo opened this issue · 11 comments

  • autoload/deinui/*.vim instead of autoload/SpaceVim/*.vim

  • DeinUIUpdate or DeinUpdate is better than SPUpdate.

  • SPUpdate should be defined in SpaceVim configuration.

@Shougo I am sorry, This plugin is automatically detached from SpaceVim via travis, so all files are same as SpaceVim, except:

  • plugin/deinui.vim

you can see the detach script.

In order to automatically synchronize from upstream, we need to keep the file consistent.

DeinUIUpdate or DeinUpdate is better than SPUpdate.

we can add this command in plugin/deinui.vim

In order to automatically synchronize from upstream, we need to keep the file consistent.


when I update this script in SpaceVim, I hope this repo can be updated automatically.

@Shougo this plugin also requires to set the SpaceVim variable g:spacevim_plugin_manager, what's kinda ugly, if not using SpaceVim, to define the plugin manager to call its update function. Couldn't this be set to a default value that points to dein.vim?

g:spacevim_plugin_manager_max_processes is also required. Afterwards I get the following error:

E475: Invalid argument: expecting valid directory

Too bad, that it is not usable without SpaceVim liked the realtime feedback...

Ok, This repo is still WIP, I should add this to README

I have updated the description

Couldn't this be set to a default value that points to dein.vim?

It cannot.
It should be fixed in dein-ui.vim plugin.

@Shougo correct.
I took a look into the code, but it doesn't look like it could be speparated from all the SpaceVim staff that ez...

I have added DeinUpdate command, and fix the spacevim options, It should works now.