
Appears dein-ui.vim logging isn't detached from SpaceVim

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vim --version:
VIM - Vi IMproved 8.2
:lua print(_VERSION)
Lua 5.2

Very long error message on using :DeinUpdate

Error detected while processing function 115[2]..<SNR>86_on_pull_exit[45]..<SNR>86_recache_rtp[7]..<SNR>86_reinstall_update_failed[4]..SpaceVim#logger#warn:
line    2:
[string "vim chunk"]:1: module 'spacevim.logger' not found:
^Ino field package.preload['spacevim.logger']
^Ino file '/home/browser/.vim/lua/spacevim/logger.lua'
^Ino file '/home/browser/.vim/lua/spacevim/logger/init.lua'
[... 80+ more lines of spacevim/logger*.lua not found...]

I have some dirty plugin directories, I assume that is why SpaceVim#logger#warn is called:

asyncrun.vim: Updating failed,  The plugin dir is dirty

So, the issue appears to be cosmetic, dein-ui.vim seems to work well other than that huge error message.

I assume a fix would be to add a new if body where the condition is (has('lua') || has('nvim')) && 'spacevim.logger' doesn't exist, where the body is some basic SpaceVim#logger#... function definitions.

EDIT: #14 related, looks like that is the non-has('lua') logging path.
EDIT2: let spacevim_update_retry_cnt = 0 appears to be a workaround in that SpaceVim#logger#warn is no longer called in my case, and possibly #14's case.