
E154: Duplicate tag "vim-fetch" in file .../vim-fetch/doc/vim-fetch.txt

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If I add Plugin "kopische/vim-fetch to my .vimrc, source it, and run :PluginInstall, it reports an error while running helptags.

If I run :helptags ~/.vim/bundle/kopische/vim-fetch/, I get

E154: Duplicate tag "vim-fetch" in file /home/mg/.vim/bundle/vim-fetch/doc/vim-fetch.txt
E154: Duplicate tag "vim-fetch" in file /home/mg/.vim/bundle/vim-fetch/doc/vim-fetch.txt
E154: Duplicate tag "vim-fetch" in file /home/mg/.vim/bundle/vim-fetch/doc/vim-fetch.txt
E154: Duplicate tag "vim-fetch" in file /home/mg/.vim/bundle/vim-fetch/doc/vim-fetch.txt

Yeah, my bad: I had a brainfart and tried to use Markdown italics. Will fix ASAP.

@mgedmin fixed in latest release. Thanks for reporting!

Thank you for the very quick fix!