
More buffers than expected

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I am using vim-fetch like following:

vim `grep pattern -Irn . | awk '{print $1}'

So vim invoked like

vim file1:12 file1:23 file2:33 ...

Turns out following:

  1. When vim started it open file1 at line 12
  2. After first :n it open file1 at line:23 (as expected)
  3. After second :n instead of opening file2 at line 33 it again opened file1 at line:23
  4. Third :n open file2 at line 33 (expected after second :n)

Huh, that is odd. Could you please deactivate vim-fetch and repeat the experience? You will get a bunch of spurious empty buffers called file1:12 etc. I am interested in learning if the buffers are duplicated as above without fetch resolving them too.

I deactivated vim-fetch and run
vim file1:12 file1:23

I got empty file (file1:12).
After :n I got empty file (file1:23)
After second :n I got "E165: Cannot go beyond last file"
Everything as expected

Something new here? Do you need more info from me?

Yes and no, sorry for the delay: I meant to test why you consider E165 “normal” by checking if (and how) it also happens on my system, but I have precious little time for Vimming ATM.

Fixed in ef8a8e7.