
Unable to build in Windows environment.

kanchanagodage opened this issue · 0 comments

Describe the Issue:

When building the product, following error has been occurred

@wso2is/react-components: > npm run clean && npm run compile
@wso2is/i18n: > @wso2is/i18n@1.0.142 clean D:\WSO2\identity-apps\modules\i18n
@wso2is/i18n: > rimraf ./dist
@wso2is/user-portal: > @wso2is/user-portal@1.0.142 clean D:\WSO2\identity-apps\apps\user-portal
@wso2is/user-portal: > rm -rf build
@wso2is/user-portal: 'rm' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
@wso2is/user-portal: operable program or batch file.
@wso2is/user-portal: npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE
@wso2is/user-portal: npm ERR! errno 1
@wso2is/user-portal: npm ERR! @wso2is/user-portal@1.0.142 clean: `rm -rf build`
@wso2is/user-portal: npm ERR! Exit status 1
@wso2is/user-portal: npm ERR!
@wso2is/user-portal: npm ERR! Failed at the @wso2is/user-portal@1.0.142 clean script.

How To Reproduce:

  1. Clone the repository from

  2. Branch: master branch

  3. Build the product using mvn clean install

Device Information:

  • Device: PC
  • OS: Windows