
Why not able to do cd-style autocompletion and switching?

Opened this issue · 2 comments

mlncn commented

I would expect to be able to do j ~/some/directory/path and 1) have autocompletion and 2) actually go to that directory. Neither happens on a fresh install on Ubuntu.

Also would expect tab autocompletion to give the options in autojump's database, typing j g<tab> would show if the first result is /home/example/great that i want or /home/example/goof that i don't want, so i know if i should type more letters.

Are my expectations off, or something wrong with my install?

As far as I know autojump only looks at directories that you have visited since installing and activating autojump. It doesn't actually directly look at your directory structure from what I can tell.

For the tab autocompletion question: if j g<enter> doesn't give what you want, just do it again. Repeatedly running j g will toggle between the two top g matches, as far as I can tell. (In other words, autojump won't take you to the directory you're already in.)