
Does it support album artist

Opened this issue · 11 comments

I am at the moment trying to evaluate https://github.com/vbatts/go-taglib vs https://github.com/wtolson/go-taglib

Still not sure which one to choose, but I noticed your library has functions for retrieving each type of tag, but there is no "get album artist", can this be added? "album artist" is very important to me as I need to index a lot of mixed artist albums, the "album artist" is essential for keeping albums together.

Sorry! I added this ticket to wrong repo, closing immediatly to stop any confusion

Sounds good, let me know if I can answer any questions.

The albumartist tag would be nice but it is not available in the taglib C API (only in the C++ one).

That is really disappointing then, because I was kind of depending on this tag in particular, I wonder what can be done then about this then in taglib.

I found the issue on taglib that describes this:


@jcnoir I have been reading the source code a bit of taglib, and from what I can gather, support for the album artist tag is not just missing from the C interface, it's also missing from the C++ code.

The author of taglib has marked this issue as a wishlist item, and I am quite keen to try to add support for the album artist tag to taglib first, so that it can be added to go-taglib, even if this is going to take me a while to figure the C++ code base out. I was pretty decent at C++, and the code seems easy enough to read, but I haven't done any C++ for a while either.

So far I have managed to compile taglib from source, add the new function to the C interface (but just getting it to return the artist for the time being), then I compiled taglib, and got go-taglib to use the custom compiled version... this worked, so I should be able to add support for album artist to taglib, given enough time.

Having the albumartist in taglib would be a great addition ! Thanks for your work 👍

Agreed, that would be very useful.

Seems that in recent versions of taglib you can use something like file->properties()["ALBUMARTIST"]. I think this tag can finally be implemented here :)


this guy supports album artist 💪

Oh wow thanks for that, it too uses taglib. I remember asking taglib themselves to add album artist support, I was even trying to do it myself but didn't finish or submit anything. I think in the mean time taglib got the feature from another developer.