
Code cleanup - mark features which will be abandoned with @Deprecated

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Review the codebase and mark with @Deprecated functionality that will be removed.

  • Core
  • Annotations
  • JUnit
  • Email
  • Reports
  • Traffic
  • Cucumber
  • AEM Common
  • AEM ClassicUI
  • AEM TouchUI

Core module

  • com.cognifide.qa.bb.loadable package #266

Per #244, deprecate JUnit and Reports modules & update the documentation accordingly.


  • bb-junit module
  • bb-reports module
    • com.cognifide.qa.bb.reporter.Reporter annotation from core module
  • bb-aem-common module
  • bb-aem-classic module
  • bb-aem-touch-ui module
  • com.cognifide.qa.bb.qualifier.Retry and whole retry mechanism (goes away with bb-junit)
  • com.cognifide.qa.bb.config.LegacyConfig - will be replaced totally with YamlConfig
    • Bobcat switched to YAML config by default; to continue using the Legacy properties-based one, users now need to run tests with bobcat.config=legacy System property
  • com.cognifide.qa.bb.assertions.soft - we recommend using AssertJ's SoftAssertions
  • com.cognifide.qa.bb.loadable - #266

Additional items for further cleanup:

  • BobcatWait/Conditions/WebElementUtils rework: providing a single utility
  • WebDriverType - move the proxy cookie to a modifier/remove it totally
  • PageObjectInjector - add support for injections of PageObjects with locators in annotation
    • this is not trivial - this helper already takes part in PageObject construction

Released in 1.6.0