
Handling AEM Core components

mkrzyzanowski opened this issue ยท 22 comments

Adobe maintains a set of core components: https://github.com/adobe/aem-core-wcm-components.

The scope of this task is to investigate if Bobcat can handle authoring using these components and add such capability wherever it is not possible.

Note: we're assuming the latest version of Core components



Template components

Page authoring components

Container components

Form components

I'll join, will take care of Title first

Next on my list is List

Text is already covered by ConfigureComponentTest - checking it on the list as "done"

Next - Image

Hi, I take care of Teaser component

I will take a look on Download component

Regarding AEM properties Download component is deprecated since 6.5 version

I'm joining too. I will take care of Button component.

I'll put the Content Fragment now under my looking glass

I will take a look on the Separator component

I'll take care of Carousel

Separator is a core component and available in AEM 6.5. Unfortunately it is not available (by default) under We Retail content. It is available only under component demo pages (../content/core-components-examples/library).

We can make it available by modifying default configuration of 'content-page' template under We Retail branch. (This need to be confirmed, if is it possible to automate this action)

We can also prepare tests for Separator component, which will work under path


Or we can drop this component.

@mkrzyzanowski @Shaihuludus what do you think?

As I heard there is bigger number of components whit similar situation. Maybe it would be valuable to verify which components?

Tests for Teaser component: wttech/bobcat-aem-tests#12

Creating tests for Separator component will be dropped. Reasons behind it are:

  • Separator component does not have any configuration dialog
  • In default AEM solution, for Separator component Author can change only Style Variant
  • Bobcat does not support operations on Style Variants. New ticket for this is open #392

I have also noticed that in Core Components 2.6.0 is added new component - Experience Fragment and in Core Components 2.7.0 Embed . Do we want add them to the list and create tests for them?

I will try Sharing component this time ;)

Sharing component need some special configuration of page properties. We can achieve this by "hard coding" this properties, but after that we don't have anything to automate. Other way is to create mechanism in Bobcat to set proper page properties. For this purpose I have create issue in main Bobcat repo - #393

For now, there is no sense to create any tests for Sharing component.

I will work on breadcrumb right now

I will try Accordion

I'm going for the Content Fragment List

Working on Tabs now

Going for Form Container

Actually I'll take all Form Components should no one protest :)