
Support custom date format patterns in log tailer

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when sling log format is customized and log contains such entries:

2021-05-20 13:50:00.006 *WARN* [sling-default-4-Registered Service.7414] org.apache.

instead of e.g

30.04.2021 07:00:04.924 *INFO* [pool-21-thread-1] com.adobe.granite

then no logs are printed to console, most probably because of hardcoded formats here:


in other words, GAP should acceept configuration parameter log pattern, best if the format string will be same as in LogManager

PID: org.apache.sling.commons.log.LogManager-error

org.apache.sling.commons.log.pattern="\{0,date,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} *\{4}* [\{2}] \{3} \{5}"

e.g gradle.properties:

instance.tail.logPattern=\{0,date,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} *\{4}* [\{2}] \{3} \{5}