
Train/Test set split

Spritea opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, could you please explain how the Train/Test set is splitted?

The paper mentions that 18 videos are used as training set and 3 as test set. But it looks like code of this repo does not specify the train/test split.

The default argument of data_txt_path_train in main.py is ./datasets/data_path/refer-kitti.train, but there is no infomation about the folder/file refer-kitti.train.

For example, the folder/file format 'KITTI/training/image_02/0001/000000.png' in refer-kitti.train follows the default setting of official KITTI.

Thanks for reply! Could you specify which sequences are in the train set, and which sequences are in the test set?

You can check ./datasets/data_path, where refer-kitti.train has training sequences, and seqmap.txt has testing sequences.