
Canvas is rendering nothing...

faris opened this issue · 2 comments

faris commented

I tried using the nasa defaults on https://particles.matteobruni.it/# and changed the colours of the particles to be black, yet I am still unable too see anything.

I am using this for personal website on here (if you want to take a closer look) :

Tested using Firefox/Chromium on Linux (Manjaro if it helps)

Any pointers on getting this working, would be greatly appreciated :)


Hi @faris,

I've checked your repository and the error is in the jsx file:

<Particles params={{particlesConfig}} />

but this should be:

<Particles params={particlesConfig} />

You can see a working sample here: https://codesandbox.io/s/modest-williamson-onf70?file=/src/particles.json

faris commented

Ooops haha.

Thanks so much for the quick help and response @matteobruni