
How to train the model from scratch?

w121211 opened this issue · 3 comments

Thank you for sharing your work. It helps a lot.
It seems the code does not include training part? (please correct me if I'm wrong) Would you kindly include it as well, thanks so much.

We couldn't distribute our training code currently mainly for two reasons:

  1. We have the following work going on besides the work itself is under review.
  2. Our training code is based on pytorch, which is some of messy.

You could refer to https://github.com/wuhuikai/a3c-deepmind-pytorch with some modification.

Thank you for sharing your work. I read your papers and got interested in your work. Though your code works fine, I want to train from scratch. So, would you kindly share your training code ? Thank you.

Please contact the 1st author Debang Li for the training code.