
In latest build, Pi400 wireless is not working. Wireless tab not showing up in Luci.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

According to this release note in .25:
rm local brcmfmac bins -> may effect setup for 400/CM4 wifi depending on what UPSTREAM now includes in image... can putback if anyone has issues
As I tested in Pi400, wireless does not work anymore due to lack of brcmfmac firmware, it was working so far until this release. Could you please put them back for Pi400/CM users? Thanks!

thanks, yes it appeared that 400 and CM4 would get hit by the purge of the old firmware files we were carrying...

can you be more specific about 'them'? as I poked around a little and it seems pifoundation/limited uses 43456? for 400 and appears like owrt links / uses standard 43455... ? is there a specific distro / firmware blob you prefer?

owrt does use newer blobs tho', so yeah, spent 2 hours looking around at what distros are supplying and alas its not so simple as drop and go... ( pifoundation/limited links about 4 places together )...

On the plus side, I have a 400 I can test with... if you don't specify will just push the standard (actually i'll push it now and you can try it out if you feel like it with)

sysupgrade -R <img>

(either way, I will fix up on Saturday/Sunday, sorry commitments came up last weekend and current image has some other stuff I needed to test / make sure was not problematic before pushing)

Yes, both CM4 and 400 uses 43456 as it's indicated here:
And also here:
So we need these 6 files maybe for supporting both devices.






added into 23.05.3(5+) from RPIDISTRO NON-FREE (thankyou)