
Luci-argon-theme config page missing

molly78 opened this issue · 2 comments

Just curious if the luci-argon-theme page has been disabled, or is it that I can’t find it?

can’t find anywhere to change any settings of the theme

g'day... i'm running the version of argon theme prior to the theme settings being implemented...

i did try updating to that version a few times... but the changes required vs benefit was minimal... hopefully jerrys next version integrates smoother when I get around to testing again...
(note: this is a complication due to my mods and not jerrys code)

you can rm /etc/dark or similar to change it to white tho'

see: https://forum.openwrt.org/t/rpi4-community-build-discontinued/69998/113?u=wulfy23
and: #1 (comment)

feel free to remove my version and install the latest with config-app as you would on an official build... tho' you'll lose the updatecheck bar

the setting you refer to are from the additional package


so when you update you need to install this... in addition to re-installing luci-theme-argon...

see: https://forum.openwrt.org/t/custom-package-integration-argon-theme-config/86937/2

I’ll stick with your builds as they’ve been awesome!

thanks for the fast reply