
Search ideas

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User Story

As a user
I want to be able to search for ideas via free text
So that I can easily find certain ideas

Acceptance Criteria

Given that I go to the website
When I load the home page
Then there should be a search field at the top below the navigation and next to the sort buttons
When I enter some text in the search field
Then it should only show me ideas that contain these keywords either in the title or description, as sorted by the current sort
When I enter some text and then quickly change it
Then it should not flash, but only display the ideas that contain the latest keywords that I entered (debounce)
When I click on one of the sort buttons
Then it should sort the ideas displayed according to the current order
When I enter some text in the search field for which there are no ideas
Then it should display a message that no ideas were found and suggest to add one
When I clear the search field
Then it should display all the ideas according to the current sort order