
pip: command not found

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Using a d8 box:

[vagrant@local current]$ pip install git-up
-bash: pip: command not found

Please could you include pip by default?

It'd also be nice to upgrade from Python 2.7.5 (released 15th May 2013) to the most recent 2.7.13 (released 17th December 2016).

Seems that there are no more resent version of python 2.7.x in centos7 repos, so currently it's not possible. Something that could be tested is to move to python3 completely. Seems to be well supported on centos too.
Pip is actually something that is installed when you are using certbot or letsencrypt, so I think this could be well moved to the base role to be included in all builds.

As we now support any extra package to be installed with yum_extra_packages variable I'll close this one.