
commit fails when xdebug is on

vermario opened this issue · 0 comments

Platform: llinux + lando

When I enable xdebug using the command lando xdebug debug, the commit checks fail, and a commit cannot be done. If debug is stopped during the checks, the commit might get accepted (then creating possible issues later in the CI phase).

The output looks like this:

GrumPHP is sniffing your code!
Running tasks with priority 0!
Running task 1/6: php_compatibility... 
Running task 2/6: check_file_permissions... 
Running task 3/6: php_check_syntax... 
Running task 4/6: phpcs... 
Running task 5/6: yaml_lint... 
Running task 6/6: json_lint... 
Running task 1/6: php_compatibility... ✘
Running task 2/6: check_file_permissions... 
Running task 3/6: php_check_syntax... ✘
Running task 4/6: phpcs... ✘
Running task 5/6: yaml_lint... ✘
Running task 6/6: json_lint... ✘
Starting the process failed
Starting the process failed
Starting the process failed
Starting the process failed
Starting the process failed
To skip commit checks, add -n or --no-verify flag to commit command