
Available sections

jarosluv opened this issue ยท 18 comments

Empty sections available for translation:

  • alias-require-and-import.md
  • basic-operators.md
  • basic-types.md
  • binaries-strings-and-char-lists.md
  • case-cond-and-if.md
  • comprehensions.md
  • enumerables-and-streams.md
  • erlang-libraries.md
  • index.md
  • io-and-the-file-system.md
  • keywords-and-maps.md
  • modules-and-functions.md
  • module-attributes.md
  • pattern-matching.md
  • processes.md
  • protocols.md
  • recursion.md
  • sigils.md
  • structs.md
  • try-catch-and-rescue.md
  • typespecs-and-behaviours.md
  • where-to-go-next.md
  • meta/domain-specific-languages.md
  • meta/macros.md
  • meta/quote-and-unquote.md
  • mix-otp/agent.md
  • mix-otp/dependencies-and-umbrella-apps.md
  • mix-otp/distributed-tasks-and-configuration.md
  • mix-otp/docs-tests-and-with.md
  • mix-otp/dynamic-supervisor.md
  • mix-otp/ets.md
  • mix-otp/genserver.md
  • mix-otp/introduction-to-mix.md
  • mix-otp/supervisor-and-application.md
  • mix-otp/task-and-gen-tcp.md

Please, leave a comment with chosen section.

Ok, I am taking comprehensions.md.


I will take sigils next.

rtrv commented

There is no modules.md anymore at original repo, but there's module-attributes.md. I'll take it

rtrv commented

try-catch-and-rescue.md is mine.
module-attributes.md is finished.

rtrv commented

try-catch-and-rescue.md is finished. I take where-to-go-next.md

rtrv commented

I've done with where-to-go-next.md. erlang-libraries.md is next.

rtrv commented

I've finished erlang-libraries.md. The next is typespecs-and-behaviours.md

rtrv commented

typespecs-and-behaviours.md is done. I wanna get mix-otp/ets.md

I'll take meta/quote-and-unquote.md

I'll take meta/macros.md next.

meta/macros.md is done. meta/domain-specific-languages.md started.

rtrv commented

And finally I take mix-otp/task-and-gen-tcp.md. All the rest is done, thanks for @Zabalkanskiy, @tyulpan, @sobolevn and @jarosluv!
There is already a need to actualize thanslations, because of original docs updating. To make this task more systematic, we're starting the tool, which is gonna check and compare markdown structure and line timestamps. If you're interested, I've left some points of concept in repo readme: https://github.com/rtrv/the_elder_markdowns

@rtrv Thank you for the hardest work!

I am totally interested, let's write it in elixir. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


Yes, it's time to jump-start this repo โ€“ https://github.com/wunsh/docdog-engine. This is Phoenix-based web-engine for the described app. And repo for "diff-comparator" prototype in any other language โ€“ https://github.com/rtrv/the_elder_markdowns

rtrv commented

So, first cycle of translation is done now


Sorry, but there are two missing sections: protocols and mix-otp/dynamic-supervisor.html (new section).

rtrv commented

@jarosluv oops, what a shame. I'm working on protocols first