
Some bullets get split into multiple tweets

Opened this issue · 0 comments

wurli commented

See, e.g. this: https://twitter.com/tidyverse_news/status/1585714994544525312

This bullet caused an issue:

* stringr functions now consistently implement the tidyverse recycling rules
  (#372). Overall this is a fairly minor change as stringi was already very 
  close to the tidyverse rules. There are only two major changes: 
    *  Only vectors of length 1 are recycled: previously,
       (e.g.) `str_detect(letters, c("x", "y"))` worked, but it now errors.
    *  `str_c()` ignores `NULLs`, rather than treating them as length 0 
    Additionally, many more arguments now throw errors, rather than warnings, 
    if supplied the wrong type of input.

The final two lines ended up as their own tweet.