Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

You can find my CV in this repository.

Last update: 02/09/2024


Honors & Awards

I participated in the SLATE 2021 conference where me and my team presented the paper on the "DataGen: JSON/XML/CSV Dataset Generator" project.

The certificates are available on Google Drive:

Peer-Reviewed Publications

"DataGen: JSON/XML/CSV Dataset Generator" explores the steps taken in the development of DataGen, a versatile and powerful tool that allows for quick prototyping and testing of software applications, offering both the complexity and scalability necessary to generate adequate datasets in order to feed a data API or third party applications, enabling their testing with appropriate data volume and data complexity.

If you're curious and want to know more about the project, you can read the full paper currently available in the following repositories:

Other Information

GitHub doesn't render hyperlinks on PDFs for security reasons.

Instead, you can find my CV on Google Drive: