

Opened this issue · 13 comments

Good morning,
Can I directly flash the firmware file “flash_image_20220821.bin” onto the universal controller card “6 Pack Universal CNC Controller by Bart Dring of Tindie” to operate an antenna rotator? Will this work directly without modification? THANKS

wuxx commented

Hello, it probably won’t work. You can refer to the schematic for details.

wuxx commented

Hello, is the TYPE-C USB interface damaged? You can use an external USB to UART tool to access it.

wuxx commented


wuxx commented


wuxx commented

Unplug the J5 short-circuit cap and connect it with an external USB to UART tool.

wuxx commented

Okay, please contact us through the platform you purchased

wuxx commented

Yes, individual boards cannot work independently, so there is currently no separate link

wuxx commented

It’s no problem to purchase the parts separately, just contact us please.