
Primary LanguageCSS

Glytch - Image Distortion


  • SORT: Sort from lowest value to highest value. Sort by pixel or sort by RGB channels.
  • SHUFFLE: Shuffle pixels or shuffle RGB channels.
  • INVERT: Invert the color channels (R,G,B)
  • BIT SHIFT: Shift the pixels by specified number of bits.
    • e.g., bit shift of 1 bit moves all bits one position to the right
  • SMEAR: Smear pixels to the right. Each pixel affects the color of the preceding pixel, with decreasing intensity, determined by the specified length. The intensity determines how much a pixel affects the preceding pixels.
  • REORDER: Reorder the color channels.
    • e.g., (R,G,B) -> (G,R,B)
  • DRIFT: Pixel-sort


  • teal colors.
  • want the panels aligned better.

INSPIRATIONS: http://glitchy.codemouse.dk/ https://pixeldrifter.tumblr.com/ (Dmitriy Krotevich)