AWS S3 Exporter
This exporter provides metrics for AWS S3 bucket objects by querying the API with a given bucket and prefix and constructing metrics based on the returned objects.
I find it useful for ensuring that backup jobs and batch uploads are functioning by comparing the growth in size/number of objects over time, or comparing the last modified date to an expected value.
./s3_exporter <flags>
You can query a bucket and prefix combination by supplying them as parameters to /probe:
curl localhost:9340/probe?bucket=some-bucket&prefix=some-folder/some-file.txt
AWS Credentials
The exporter creates an AWS session without any configuration. You must specify credentials yourself as documented here.
Remember, if you want to load credentials from ~/.aws/config
then you need to to set:
docker pull ribbybibby/s3-exporter
You will need to supply AWS credentials to the container, as mentioned in the previous section, either by setting the appropriate environment variables with -e
, or by mounting your ~/.aws/
directory with -v
# Environment variables
docker run -p 9340:9340 -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<value> -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<value> -e AWS_REGION=<value> s3-exporter:latest <flags>
# Mounted volume
docker run -p 9340:9340 -e AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG=true -e HOME=/ -v $HOME/.aws:/.aws s3-exporter:latest <flags>
-h, --help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
Address to listen on for web interface and telemetry.
Path under which to expose metrics
--web.probe-path="/probe" Path under which to expose the probe endpoint
Path under which to expose service discovery
--s3.endpoint-url="" Custom endpoint URL
--s3.disable-ssl Custom disable SSL
--s3.force-path-style Custom force path style
--log.level="info" Only log messages with the given severity or above. Valid levels: [debug, info, warn, error, fatal]
Set the log target and format. Example: "logger:syslog?appname=bob&local=7" or "logger:stdout?json=true"
--version Show application version.
Flags can also be set as environment variables, prefixed by S3_EXPORTER_
. For example: S3_EXPORTER_S3_ENDPOINT_URL=http://s3.example.local
Metric | Meaning | Labels |
s3_biggest_object_size_bytes | The size of the largest object. | bucket, prefix |
s3_common_prefixes | A count of all the keys between the prefix and the next occurrence of the string specified by the delimiter | bucket, prefix, delimiter |
s3_last_modified_object_date | The modification date of the most recently modified object. | bucket, prefix |
s3_last_modified_object_size_bytes | The size of the object that was modified most recently. | bucket, prefix |
s3_list_duration_seconds | The duration of the ListObjects operation | bucket, prefix, delimiter |
s3_list_success | Did the ListObjects operation complete successfully? | bucket, prefix, delimiter |
s3_objects_size_sum_bytes | The sum of the size of all the objects. | bucket, prefix |
s3_objects | The total number of objects. | bucket, prefix |
Common prefixes
Rather than generating metrics for the objects with a particular prefix, you can
set the delimiter
parameter to produce a count of all the keys between the
prefix and the next occurrence of the given delimiter.
For instance:
$ curl 'localhost:9340/probe?bucket=registry-bucket&prefix=docker/registry/v2/blobs/sha256/&delimiter=/'
# HELP s3_common_prefixes A count of all the keys between the prefix and the next occurrence of the string specified by the delimiter
# TYPE s3_common_prefixes gauge
s3_common_prefixes{bucket="registry-bucket",delimiter="/",prefix="docker/registry/v2/blobs/sha256/"} 133
# HELP s3_list_duration_seconds The total duration of the list operation
# TYPE s3_list_duration_seconds gauge
s3_list_duration_seconds{bucket="registry-bucket",delimiter="/",prefix="docker/registry/v2/blobs/sha256/"} 0.921488535
# HELP s3_list_success If the ListObjects operation was a success
# TYPE s3_list_success gauge
s3_list_success{bucket="registry-bucket",delimiter="/",prefix="docker/registry/v2/blobs/sha256/"} 1
See this page for more information.
You can pass the params to a single instance of the exporter using relabelling, like so:
- job_name: "s3"
metrics_path: /probe
- targets:
- bucket=stuff;prefix=thing.txt;
- bucket=other-stuff;prefix=another-thing.gif;
- source_labels: [__address__]
regex: "^bucket=(.*);prefix=(.*);$"
replacement: "${1}"
target_label: "__param_bucket"
- source_labels: [__address__]
regex: "^bucket=(.*);prefix=(.*);$"
replacement: "${2}"
target_label: "__param_prefix"
- target_label: __address__
replacement: # S3 exporter.
Service Discovery
Rather than defining a static list of buckets you can use the /discovery
in conjunction with HTTP service discovery to discover all the buckets the
exporter has access to.
This should be all the config required to successfully scrape every bucket:
- job_name: "s3"
metrics_path: /probe
- url:
Use relabel_configs
to select the buckets you want to scrape:
- job_name: "s3"
metrics_path: /probe
- url:
# Keep buckets that start with example-
- source_labels: [__param_bucket]
action: keep
regex: ^example-.*
The prefix can be set too, but be mindful that this will apply to all buckets:
- job_name: "s3"
metrics_path: /probe
- url:
prefix: ["thing.txt"]
Example Queries
Return series where the last modified object date is more than 24 hours ago:
(time() - s3_last_modified_object_date) / 3600 > 24