
Not sure if issue, or a feature request. Removing SUB does not remove all files as requested

Opened this issue · 2 comments

In deleting a test SUB, opting to delete data files including messages, leaves the subscriber n*.net file intact.

By design?


wwiv commented

Hmm, I think it's just an oversight. We can have it delete it, no big deal

Just to be clear, here are the associated files for the sub that should be deleted, sub name=sub

  1. msgdir/SUB.dat - actual message file for the sub
  2. data/SUB.sub - postrec : title + stored_as pointer
  3. networkdir/nSUB.net - subscribers list
  4. networkdir/saSUB.net - maybe we don't delete this or the srSUB.net file but notify sysop that they're there?
  5. networkdir/srSUB.net

In addition, if we are deleting a SUB that we host and there are subscribers, optionally send email to subscribers notifying them that the SUB is no longer hosted here. "The sub: SUB, is no longer hosted @node."