
Investigate new way to implement country geo IP blocking

Opened this issue · 3 comments

wwiv commented

since nerd.dk is down. See #1576

wwiv commented

Maybe use https://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geolite2-free-geolocation-data

I think it's a bit more involved since folks will need to either download and use it, or provide an API key to call their server. Their corse grained geo info is more than sufficient for wwiv's needs

It's the same dataset https://freegeoip.io/ uses

wwiv commented

Diamond Dave recommends IP2LOCATION. See http://lite.ip2location.com

'm wondering is there would be a way to have wwivd query this somehow for geoip...
https://ipapi.is/geolocation.html works too, could just tell folks to download the CSV and parse it on startup.