
Chain Edit should allow different Exec Modes for Local and Remote

Opened this issue · 2 comments

In Chain Edit, Exec Mode is one of STDIO, Listen Socket Port, Listen UNIX Socket, DOOR32 on Linux. I'm assuming this applies to both Remote and Local modes.

Exec mode should be different and selectable for Remote and for Local so IO doesn't get clobbered.

I want to be able to use the Chains in either mode. Of course it is possible to just make a different entry for a local only chain.

Should Local Only be changed to Local only, Remote Only, Both?

wwiv commented

Oh that's a good idea, external editors have two commandlines (one for remote and one for local), doing the same for chains makes sense. I think in the past doors all worked with COM0 meaning local mode or something, and batch files would do magic there.

wwiv commented

We could easily upgrade the JSON now that we're not tied to the legacy binary format,.