
Full Screen Message Reader won't display trailing | pipe chars.

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Example post:

/ Nothing succeeds like the appearance of \
| success.                                |
|                                         |
\ -- Christopher Lascl                    /
   \   \
        \ /\
      .(   ).

Example file:

Appears as follows in the BBS in Full Screen Reader mode:
Screenshot from 2023-02-16 18-22-19

Note the pipe character at the end of lines disappears.

In Traditional Reader mode, this is how it appears:
Screenshot from 2023-02-22 20-42-35

wwiv commented

Also wwivutil print does this too.

$ cat x/x.msg
| the world |

$ wwivutil print x/x.msg

|the world
wwiv commented

This test seems to work, need to dig more:

TEST_F(AnsiTest, HeartAndPipe_TrailingPipe) {
  write_hp("| world |\r\n");
  check({ "| world |" });
wwiv commented

This fails though:

TEST_F(AnsiTest, HeartAndPipe_TrailingPipe) {
  write_hp("| world |");
  check({ "| world |" });

Not fixed. :(

Screenshot from 2023-02-26 15-38-01

Screenshot from 2023-02-26 15-34-15

wwiv commented

where's the trailing pipe character there? Sorry, don't understand what was typed vs. expected here.

Here's the extracted message.