Roving Focus Provider
sh0ji opened this issue · 1 comments
sh0ji commented
Now that we have a structure in place for exposing React context providers, I'd like to ship a roving focus provider. Wrapping a section of your code in this should cause that section to keep track of the current roving focus index, making it accessible via a hook so that you can do something like this:
const MyListbox = ({ items, onSelect, selected }) => {
const [focusIndex, setFocusIndex] = useRovingFocus();
return, i) => (
tabIndex={(focusIndex === i) ? 0 : -1}
onKeyDown={(e) => {
if (e.key === 'Enter' && onSelect) {
onClick={(e) => {;
ref={(el) => {
if (el && focusIndex === i) el.focus();
{ item }
sh0ji commented
This was implemented as a hook instead of a provider in #136:
While I did explore using a <RovingTabindexProvider>
, all of the scenarios where it would be used also had the mapped children in context so it felt redundant and better designed with a hook.