Format engine

A format() function similar to that found in python.


  • a compiler that supports c++17


#include <iostream>
#include "format_engine.hpp"

int main()
  std::string new_string = "My name is <std::string := 1> and I'm <int := 2> years old";
  std::cout << format_engine::format(new_string, {"Homer", 35}) << std::endl;
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

More information:

It takes in a string and substitutes values enclosed with angular brackets containing the type and order of the variable. eg. "a = <int := 1>" and a vector with the values of the variables eg. {32} and returns a string a = 32

Types it currently supports:

  • int
  • string/std::string and const char*
  • float
  • double