
Xenomorph Crawler, a Concise, Declarative and Observable Distributed Crawler(Node / Go / Java / Rust) For Web, RDB, OS, also can act as a Monitor(with Prometheus) or ETL for Infrastructure :dizzy: 多语言执行器,分布式爬虫

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


xe-crawler 是遵循声明式、可监测理念的分布式爬虫,其计划提供 Node.js、Go、Python 多种实现,能够对于静态 Web 页面、动态 Web 页面、关系型数据库、操作系统等异构多源数据进行抓取。xe-crawler 希望让使用者专注于领域逻辑而不用考虑调度、监控等问题,并且稍加改造就能用于系统监控、ETL 数据迁移等领域。更多的 xe-crawler 设计**、设计规范参考爬虫实战 https://url.wx-coder.cn/3gyS2

Usage & Development

Standalone Crawler Framework | 单个爬虫框架的独立使用

Deployment with Supervisor | 带调度节点的集群化部署

Cases | 使用案例

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Motivation & Credits

  • annie: A fast, simple and clean video downloader


  • 2015-go_spider #Project#: An awesome Go concurrent Crawler(spider) framework. The crawler is flexible and modular. It can be expanded to an Individualized crawler easily or you can use the default crawl components only.

  • 2018-Muffet #Project#: Muffet is a website link checker which scrapes and inspects all pages in a website recursively.

  • 2018-ferret #Project#: ferret is a web scraping system aiming to simplify data extraction from the web for such things like UI testing, machine learning and analytics.

  • 2019-TopList #Project#: 今日热榜,一个获取各大热门网站热门头条的聚合网站,使用Go语言编写,多协程异步快速抓取信息