
hi so i tried adding these lines to add jdownloader in docker but it doesnot work

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hi so i tried adding these lines to add jdownloader in docker but it doesnot work

RUN apk add --no-cache --update curl jq ffmpeg runit tzdata fuse3 ttyd openjdk11 p7zip bash findutils
&& wget -O - https://installer.jdownloader.org/JDownloader.jar
&& java -jar /workdir/JDownloader.jar -norestart -console \

it gives error when building any idea how can i fix this error

Executing java-common-0.5-r0.trigger
OK: 380 MiB in 142 packages
Unrecognized option: -
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
Connecting to installer.jdownloader.org (
writing to stdout