
Make HashMask smaller (file size)

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Our master branch is 1.1 megabytes large (ignoring data in .git). That would all need to be downloaded in order for the extension to be installed. Also, this makes loading the preview page slower.


  • Minify anything large that isn't ours (we should keep full versions of our own code, since this is an open source project)
  • Remove unneeded images and libraries
  • Google Page Speed might be helpful

Edit 1: DERP, I counted the .git directory by accident.
Edit 2: Removed jQuery dev, updating file sizes.

I believe you're including, in that size, the .git directory, which users would not need download. (Everything excluding .git is 1.2MB on my machine).

Still, a perfectly good TODO before alpha releasing.

Here are the sizes of our directories, according to du:

~/Repos/hashmask master ✔ ➜ du --exclude .git
20K ./icons
12K ./doc
640K    ./img
20K ./bootstrap/img
52K ./bootstrap/js
112K    ./bootstrap/css
188K    ./bootstrap
40K ./src
8.0K    ./lib/img
148K    ./lib
1.1M    .

And in reply to your comment, you're right. I have updated my post a few minutes ago.

Looks fairly reasonable to me now.


Lolol, look at the first image. 15/18 of my last emails are about this project. Doin' it right.

Not bad.

Are we done here?

I think so. The only stuff Page Speed was complaining about were things I don't plan on messing with (especially, lots of server configuration stuff).