
Immutability for Moment.js. Freeze moments so that mutation methods return copies instead of altering the original timestamp. Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates without needing to clone().

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Frozen Moment

Immutability for Moment.js

If you build large applications that use Moment.js, you've probably been surprised at some point by the mutability of moments. Things like moment.startOf("day") change the date of your original moment (instead of returning a new moment). Unfortunately, this leads to subtle bugs if you pass moments around and then start to do math on them while expecting other places to still have the old value.

Or maybe you're smarter than me, and yet you've still wished that Moment's API was immutable. It gets annoying to keep typing moment.clone() all the time.

Either way, this plugin is for you.

API Reference: What does will it do?

Well... right now, this is just a README. But I promise there will be code here soon. (If you want to help with writing the code, please let me know!)

Frozen Moment will be a plugin for Moment.js. With Frozen Moment, all of your normal moments will still work the same way they always have -- so you won't need to adopt immutability throughout your entire codebase all at once. Frozen Moment simply adds a new method to every moment instance:


Returns a "frozen" copy of the original moment. "Frozen" moments will behave exactly like normal moments, but all of the methods that would normally change the value of a frozen moment will instead return a new frozen moment.

Basically, frozen moments will automatically call moment.clone() before you try to call any of Moment's setters or maniuplation functions. You'll also get a new instance every time you change a frozen moment's locale.

For performance and compatibility reasons, frozen moments are not made immutable with Object.freeze. If you want to shoot yourself in the foot by manually meddling with your frozen moment's internal data, go right ahead. That said, frozen moments will be immutable as long as you only use Moment's documented API methods.

Frozen moments will attempt to work with other Moment.js plugins, but I do not guarantee that all plugins will behave correctly.

Frozen moments do not have the freeze() method -- only regular moments do.


Returns a normal (un-frozen) copy of a frozen moment.

Regular old moments do not have a thaw() method -- only frozen moments do.

moment().isFrozen() / frozenMoment.isFrozen()

Returns true if called on a frozen moment, and false if called on a standard moment.

Note that moment.isMoment() will return true for frozen moments and normal moments alike.

Historical Note

The original version of Frozen Moment was a full-fledged fork of Moment.js. It is no longer maintained.