Ramael - An elegant http library focused on simplicity
An elegant modern http requests library for python
pip install ramael
import ramael
req = ramael.request(method="GET",url="someurl",headers={},callback=None,auth=None)
# or for a oneliner:
r = ramael.request("GET",url="someurl")
# methods for the ramael object
req.headers # headers in json format
req.raw_headers # headers in an object
req.status # Status eg 200
req.text # text in string
req.json() # text jsonified
req.bytes_text # completely raw text dk why you might want this
Install buildproj:
pip install buildproj
In case of the binary not working:
python buildbinary.py
All processes are automated except for the sign in for pip, please be sure to also change the version and name in `setup.py
Install buildproj:
pip install buildproj
build test
In case of the binary not working:
python buildbinary.py test
make a binary for it