
Integrate innocraft/php-experiments?

simonschaufi opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, I just want to make you aware of the package https://github.com/innocraft/php-experiments. Maybe it's useful to integrate that into this package?

svwu commented

Hello @simonschaufi
This package offers a A/B Testing based on the flow framework / Neos CMS with all workflows.
Integrating this package doesn't apply these workflows and the upcoming changes in Neos/Flow regarding the PSR-7 standard.

Plus we do want to give the project the choice of the tracking system which will be used for measure the tests. innocraft/php-experiments has a highly dependency / integration based on Matomo.


Hi Sven, they write that php-experiments can be used standalone as well but yeah, I totally got your point of view. Anyway, you can still be inspired by the project ;)